A Little Bit About Me
Cristine Saur
I was born in small town in Brazil - Panambi, which in the indigenous language - Tupi Guarani - means 'blue butterfly valley’.
From a very early age I felt a strong connection with the healing powers of nature.
When I was 9 years old, I wrote my first ‘book’ on plant medicine. I remember asking my mom to take me to her herbal garden and tell me about the plants and what they were used for.
Álbum de Plantas Medicinais - 1989
Somehow in my teens, I lost this connection with Mother Earth and problems with self-esteem led me to substance and alcohol abuse.
I ended up becoming a model, which only made my relationship with myself worse.
After my fair share of toxic relationships, I finally decided to find beauty for myself and set on my Quest for Beauty. In this autobiographic documentary I take you on a journey through beauty across 12 countries that resulted in finding myself.
Cacao was one of the beautiful medicines I used to heal my heart and raise above my traumas.
Today, I am a wife and mother, and my heart full of gratitude for all the beautiful lessons I learned that allowed me to fully embrace myself so I could honor my life path as a medicine woman.

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. TAO TE CHING